Thursday, January 15, 2009

Plastic Bags

I'm trying hard to live green, but it's not easy. I bought green, reusable bags to tote purchases home from the store. It's becoming a habit to remember to take them into the store. But, I also have to remember to get them back to the car after I've used them.

It's almost impossible to completely get away from plastic bags. The cashiers and baggers automatically start packing orders into their plastic bags. I can't remember the last time I heard "paper or plastic." They just put a couple items into each plastic bag. They can't fill the bags because they tear too easy. So, if I don't stop them, I end up taking home several bags. Then, I'm compelled to reuse or recycle.

I no longer use a plastic produce bag for each fruit and vegetable that I buy. I keep one of my cloth bags open in the cart and add tomatoes, apples, cucumbers and all the loose items into my bag. Then, at the check out, I set my bag on the counter and give the cashier an empty bag to transfer to as she rings up each item. So far, it's working well.


Anonymous said...
January 21, 2009 at 9:07 PM

These are some great tips, Marilyn! I have some reuseable bags and I just always forget them. You've inspired me!

Anonymous said...
February 12, 2009 at 1:12 PM

These recyclable bags are more durable than I thought! Anyone else using them I wonder?

Anonymous said...
March 20, 2009 at 10:25 AM

Hi Marilyn, I read your comments on my blog, good luck with your marketing efforts.

I have been looking through your blog, great tips here, keep up the great work.

Every little bit makes a difference.

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About Me

Marilyn KvasnokI’ve gone from green thumb to living green. After spending 20 years of summers out in the yard – planting flowers and vegetables, watering, weeding and reaping the harvest – I’m now going green with the realization that we need to take care of ourselves, our families and the earth. And I found a company to help me do it. I’m a Shaklee distributor.

So, now I’m into a more natural lifestyle. I’m still eating lots of fruits and vegetables, even though they’re not coming from my garden. The big change is eating less processed foods and faithfully taking my vitamins.

It didn’t happen overnight. It was a series of little changes that added up to a healthy lifestyle. And it doesn’t stop here. I continue to reevaluate and make little changes. So, it’s true, the only constant is change.

I'm a full time caregiver for my mom, who's no longer independent. And I support myself with a home business.

I believe we all need to continue to learn and grow. So, I got a computer when they started to be sold to regular folk. And I embraced the Internet when the best I could do was email. It's been a great ride and now here I am - Blogging!

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